The pros and the cons of the Keto diet

The keto diet is all the rage right now even tough its been around since the 1920's 

and was originally used to treat siezures but showed promise in the area of weightloss
but just like any dieting system it pays to do your due dilligence.

The keto diet is a diet that focuses on eating fats(as much as 75%) and very little in the way
of carbs(as low as 5%),the reason for the low level of carbs is that it helps to put your
body into a state known as ketosis where your body burns fat instead of carbs
for fuel so its great for anyone looking to lose weight. 


To reach a state of ketosis can take as long as three weeks but once your in ketosis 
weightloss should occur and this form of eating is usually combined with intermittent
fasting to really kick weightloss into gear. So lets look at the pros and cons of the keto diet:


Lower levels of carbs mean that your body has to use stored fat instead of carbs for fuel

Ideal for people who aren't engaged in high levels of activity like athletes so if you do a
desk job and don't require huge amounts of energy then the keto diet could well be for you

People report that they don't feel as hungry with this form of eating in comparison to other
food restrictive forms of eating

can be helpful in fighting cancer according to promedichelth "The Warburg
effect has established that tumor cells can break down glucose much faster (specifically 200x faster)
compared to typical cells. The theory is that by “starving” tumor cells of glucose, you can inhibit
their growth and help" prevent cancer


Some of the foods that are used in keto diet have high levels of saturated fat which isn't good for
your heart and can lead to increased levels of cholesterol and can put you at risk for heart disease

Your body actually needs carbs so it can break them down in Glucose and no carbs means no Glucose
and the side effect to this is that you will feel tired and lethargic

Food restrictions can led to food obsessions which lead to binge eating which is why some people
can lose weight and end up gaining it back

Ketosis isn't really a long term style of eating and seems to work better for the short term which
is why competition level body builders like it as it allows them to shed fat in a small window of time

Restricting foods can lead to missing out on certain nutrients, vitamins and minerals so one suggestion
is to take a course of multi-vitamin tablets while attempting this form of weight loss


For short term weight loss Ketosis seems to be he way to go as its harder to sustain over the long
term and some people find diets like the Paleo or Mediterranean diet more sustainable. Everyone's
circumstances are different and its best to talk to your Doctor first before you attempt any form
of dieting let alone the Keto diet

there is a saying that goes “It’s a matter of moderation and finding ways to eat the foods you love
without overindulging.”